(Oxfam) – More than half of Central African Republic’s population is in need of urgent humanitarian aid – amidst chronic underfunding, persisting violence across the country and unsuccessful peace agreements. This briefing calls for a huge and concerted effort by the government, donors and all stakeholders to consolidate progress, to support peace and reconciliation and to […]

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(Al Jazeera) – At least 23 people have been killed in Syrian and Russian air raids on the outskirts of the country’s capital Damascus. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the figure includes six children and four women killed in Monday’s attacks on the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta district. Link

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(CNN) – The number of civilians fleeing their makeshift homes in northern Syria is likely to be in the tens of thousands, UN officials have told CNN, as the Syrian government steps up its offensive on key rebel-held areas. The Syrian regime, led by President Bashar al-Assad, has resumed airstrikes on rebel-held areas, such as […]

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(Reuters/SBS) – Iraqi security forces are forcibly returning civilians from refugee camps to unsafe areas in the predominantly Sunni Anbar province, exposing them to death from booby-traps or acts of vigilantism, refugees and aid workers say. Managing more than two million Iraqis displaced by the war against IS State is one of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s […]

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(BBC)  – Thirteen people have been killed in an attack in the restive southern Senegalese region of Casamance. Hospital workers who have seen the bodies said some of the victims had been shot, others decapitated. The dead are said to be teenagers. It is not clear yet who carried out the attack. Link

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(BBC) – At least 10 hospitals in rebel-held areas of Syria have suffered direct air or artillery attacks over the past 10 days, aid workers say. An adviser to a coalition of medical charities told the BBC that the attacks had been the most intense for a year. Link

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(France 24) – Jeevan used to be a Maoist child soldier, but now he’s in charge of his former commander’s election campaign. We had been filming with Jeevan at an election rally, in the upper reaches of the Karnali valley, in western Nepal. As night fell, we descended from the mountain in single file, torches in […]

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