(HRW) – Attacks by Syrian-Russian forces in an area near the Damascus in late October and early November 2017 killed eight children and destroyed or damaged four schools, Human Rights Watch said today. The attacks on Eastern Ghouta, 15 kilometers from the Syrian capital, resulted in the closing of schools, depriving many children in the besieged area of access to […]

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(VOA) – U.N. Human Rights Chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein has condemned the recent escalation of fighting in Eastern Ghouta in Syria, causing scores of civilian deaths and injuries. The U.N. Human Rights office says 85 civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed and at least 183 injured in the besieged city of Eastern Ghouta, a […]

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(VOA) – Dozens of Yazidi children who have been rescued from the Islamic State terror group in Iraq and Syria are now receiving counseling to cope with and recover from the trauma they experienced during their years in captivity. At Qadiya refugee camp near the Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s northern city of Duhok, more than 100 Yazidi […]

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(UNSC) – Despite progress in West Africa and the Sahel, particularly regarding democratic and peaceful political transitions, the security situation in the region remained a grave concern, the Security Council heard today in a briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary‑General in the region. Following a notable decline in Boko Haram attacks in the first […]

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(UNICEF, Save the Children) – The recent unannounced destruction of several informal settlements on the outskirts of Mogadishu, together with the forced evictions of thousands of families living there, are having devastating effects on children, UNICEF and Save the Children said today. More than 4,000 families lost their property and many lost their livelihoods during the […]

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(Financial Times) – For more than a decade, Mohammed Hassan felt secure in his job inspection and offloading goods as food, oil and medicine were shipped into the Red Sea port of Hodeida. Yemen’s largest cargo port has long been the main artery for the country and Mr. Hassan always believed ships would dock there, […]

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(Amnesty) – Following today’s admission by Myanmar’s military that security forces and villagers summarily killed 10 captured Rohingya people and buried them in a mass grave outside Inn Din, a village in Maungdaw, Rakhine State, James Gomez, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, said: “This grisly admission is a sharp departure from […]

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(BBC) – It said an inquiry had found that four members of the security forces were involved in the killing of 10 people in Inn Din village near Maungdaw. The report said the four had helped villagers carry out a revenge attack on what it called “Bengali terrorists”. Link

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(IRIN) – He’s one of only five kids being treated for malnutrition at a hospital in the Yemeni city of Taiz. It’s not that more children don’t need help – both Taiz City and the wider province have been hard hit by what the UN calls the worst humanitarian crisis in the world – but treatment (or even […]

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