(The Guardian) – Two weeks after being forcibly evicted from their shelters, thousands of vulnerable families are still living rough in the outskirts of Mogadishu. Somali security forces went in and destroyed 23 camps for internally displaced people, housing more than 4,000 Somalis, on 29 and 30 December last year according to the UN. Link

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(Myanmar Times) – A total of 113 Civil Society Organisations (CSO) released a statement about youths arrested during 2017 and announced that human rights violations still impact youngsters in Myanmar. The January 14 statement focused on five cases, including the recent Reuters journalist’s arrest. The cases serve to exemplify human rights violation impacting the youth, […]

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(The Guardian) – 2017 was not a good year for my home country, Yemen. In January, after working and studying abroad for four years, I arrived back home. Of course I knew a war had been raging in my country but I was still completely shocked by what I saw. The airport building was destroyed, burned […]

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(HRW) – The Islamist armed group Al-Shabab has threatened and abducted civilians in Somalia’s Bay region to force communities to hand over their children for indoctrination and military training in recent months. Since late September 2017, Al-Shabab has ordered elders, teachers in Islamic religious schools, and communities in rural areas to provide hundreds of children as […]

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(Al Jazeera) – A missile has crashed near civilians in Syria’s Idlib province at a makeshift camp for displaced people from the nearby Hama province.  Dramatic footage captured in the countryside area by Al Jazeera showed men, women and children desperately trying to find the nearest cover after the attack – images of which were also […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Two Palestinian teenagers were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers on Thursday as violence continues in the occupied territories. A Palestinian teen from the Gaza Strip was killed east of the Burij refugee camp after a live round was fired into his chest, the Wafa news agency quoted medical sources as saying. Link

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(UNHCR) – On 12 December 2017, over 200 Afghan refugee children from schools across Tehran province participated in a fun-filled day of activities which focused on refugee child protection, in an effort foster childhood development and self-confidence through learning and play. With the support of UNHCR Field Office Tehran, Provincial Bureau of Aliens and Foreign Immigrants’ […]

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