(UN News Centre) – As the brutal conflict in Yemen nears its grim third anniversary, malnutrition and disease are running rampant in the country and virtually every child there is dependent on humanitarian aid to survive, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Tuesday. “An entire generation of children in Yemen is growing up knowing […]

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(AP) – Sixteen people have been killed, including three children, since South Sudan’s cease-fire started less than a month ago, say monitors. Both government and opposition forces have committed multiple violations since the cease-fire began on Dec. 24, according to four separate investigations released Tuesday by the Cease-fire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism, an independent […]

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(MSF) – Around the world, three wheelers offer a cheap means of urban transport. In Gwoza in north-east Nigeria, these small three-wheeled vehicles, known locally as keke napeps, are more than just a means of public transport; they are a means of saving lives. Every month around 260 patients are transported to the hospital in keke napeps, which are […]

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(The New York Times) – A video released in Nigeria on Monday by Boko Haram purports to show girls among those abducted in 2014 from a school in the town of Chibok vowing to stay with their captors and never go home. About a dozen girls, some with faces covered, appear in the video, one […]

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(MSF) – In the first week of the year, 33 patients with blast-related injuries – 13 of whom were below the age of  18 – were treated by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medical teams in Raqqa city. Patients sustain these injuries on returning to their homes in the city, which is littered with unexploded remnants of […]

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(AP) – French investigators have dropped an investigation of alleged child sexual abuse by French soldiers in Central African Republic. A judicial official said Monday that investigating judges made the decision last week. The official, who was not authorized to be publicly named discussing the case, would not give their reasons. Link

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(Theirworld) – While conflicts in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa make global headlines, ongoing violence in Europe almost goes unnoticed. Fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists began in 2014. More than 1.5 million people have been displaced and attacks on schools continue to disrupt education for thousands of children and youth. Link

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(NRC) – On 19 January, the 30-day period set by the Saudi-led coalition in which blockade measures were eased, will expire. This is generating widespread uncertainty about what happens next, leaving millions of Yemeni people hanging in the balance. “What looked on paper to be a good policy for easing the blockade has done very little […]

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