(UNICEF) – At least 1.3 million people, including more than 800,000 children, have been displaced by inter-ethnic violence and clashes between the regular army, militia and armed groups in the provinces of Tanganyika and South Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), UNICEF said today. The DRC is now home to one of […]

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(IRIN) – “They beat them until they vomited blood,” she said, kneading her hands as she recalled how the soldiers struck her neighbours with boots, guns, and sticks. One of her neighbours was battered so badly that his skull cracked, she said. Doi Ra is one of the latest people to be displaced by a long-festering […]

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(Syria Direct) – As Syrian government forces wreaked a devastating five-year siege and fired air strikes and artillery shells on Rateb Abu Yasser’s hometown northeast of Damascus, the 32-year-old nevertheless found time for his friends. “We’d get together at night and play cards,” he recalls. Abu Yasser’s group of nine friends, men in their 20s and […]

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(Action on Armed Violence) – Yesterday, January 16th 2018, a mortar attack on a local bazaar in Faryab province, Afghanistan, killed at least 5 and wounded a further 45. As many of the injured were in a critical condition, the death toll may rise. The wounded included women and children. Link

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(The Guardian) – Concerns are growing among United Nations agencies and humanitarian groups over an agreement between the Bangladesh and Myanmar governments to repatriate several hundred thousand Rohingya refugees within two years. Bangladesh state media reported on Wednesday that the first batch of Rohingya would be sent back to Myanmar next week. Rights groups said it […]

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(The Guardian) – The war in Yemen has killed or injured more than 5,000 children and left another 400,000 severely malnourished and fighting for their lives, according to the UN children’s agency. In a report unveiled on Tuesday, Unicef said nearly 2 million Yemeni children were out of school, a quarter of them since the conflict […]

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(Reuters) – United Nations aid agencies called on Tuesday for the Yemeni port of Hodeidah to remain open beyond Friday, the date set by a Saudi-led military coalition, to permit continued delivery of life-saving goods. Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, where 8.3 million people are entirely dependent on external food aid and 400,000 children […]

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