(OSRSG-CAAC) – In her recent annual report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Children and Armed conflict outlined the progress and challenges in protecting boys and girls from being used and abused by parties to conflict, while underlining the inextricable links between grave violations against children and trafficking and displacement. “Despite […]

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(UNICEF) – As many as 750,000 children in Mosul and surrounding areas are struggling to access basic health services. While violence has subsided, less than 10 percent of health facilities in Ninewah governorate are functioning at full capacity. Those that are operational are stretched to breaking point. Three years of intense violence have devastated health facilities […]

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(MSF) – Since December, the fighting and airstrikes in the north of Syria have intensified. This has resulted in one of the biggest population displacements seen since the beginning of the conflict. This violence, concentrated in the south of Idlib and Aleppo governorates and the north of Hama governorate, is further worsening conditions for people already severely traumatised […]

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(AP) – It’s been almost two years since Deng Machar’s three young children were abducted from his home and likely sold for cattle. Sitting in South Sudan’s opposition-held town of Akobo, the 35-year-old pointed to the dirt beneath his feet. “They were playing right there,” Machar said. “It would be easier if they were dead […]

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(Al Jazeera) – The Saudi-led coalition that is fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen is responsible for the deaths of scores of children since last summer, a United Nations report says. Al Jazeera obtained excerpts from the confidential report by the UN Office on Children and Armed Conflict, which was sent to the UN Security Council on January 19. Link

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(CBC/Radio-Canada) – Dr. Amjad Rass says the Al Maghara Cave Hospital was the “safest place” in all of Syria — and now it’s been destroyed in an airstrike. Located in Kafr Zita, Hama province, the hospital was built under 18 metres of solid rock in an underground cave. Designed to withstand attacks in the war-torn country, it managed to keep operating through four separate […]

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(UN News Centre) – Nearly three in ten young people between the ages of 15 and 24 living in conflict- or disaster-affected countries are illiterate, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said Wednesday, calling for greater investments in the education, particularly for the most disadvantaged children and youth. The situation is particularly dire for girls and […]

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(NRC) – At least 61 schools in the West Bank and East Jerusalem at risk as attacks on education rise. A Palestinian primary school built with European donor funding is facing the threat of demolition by Israeli authorities in the coming days, after the Israeli High Court of Justice dismissed a petition to safeguard it, […]

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