(TDHIF) – One million children in Gaza are caught up in one of the most politicised conflicts in the world. GazaReal, Terre des hommes’ new virtual reality film, exposes the challenges they face. “An 11-year-old child has only known life under the blockade” says Yasmine Refaat, Country Coordinator for Palestine at Terre des Hommes. “That’s an entire generation of […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Nearly all of the 110 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria last month have been released by the armed group, according to the government. The government said on Wednesday that 101 of the 110 schoolgirls had been confirmed freed and the number “would be updated after the remaining ones have been documented”. “No […]

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(VOA) – Thousands of children in the troubled Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo have been used as combatants over the last two years amid conflict between local militia and government forces. In the last few months, some 1,000 of them have trickled into rehabilitation centers run by aid agencies. Their troubles are far […]

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(The Frontier Post) – Security forces have occupied 20 school buildings and are using them as security posts in different areas of Helmand, the education director has said. Talking to Afghan media outlet, Helmand education director Daud Shah Safari termed it a great injustice with children to convert their schools into security posts. Link

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(Amnesty International) – Nigerian security forces failed to act on advance warnings that a convoy of Boko Haram fighters was heading towards a town where they abducted 110 schoolgirls last month, an investigation by Amnesty International has revealed. The military failed to respond while Boko Haram conducted an armed raid on the Government Girls Science […]

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(Geneva Call) – In the context of the recent military operations in Afrin, in north-west Syria, a worrying number of allegations on the use of child soldiers have been reported. Geneva Call reminds all parties to the conflict that recruiting child soldiers can amount to a war crime and that no children under 18 years old should […]

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