(Amnesty International) – A mass grave uncovered in central Mali is the latest grim confirmation that the security situation in the region has reached crisis point, Amnesty International said today. Local witnesses in the village of Dogo identified on 22 March six bodies as people who had been arrested by the military three days earlier. Amnesty […]

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(ND – Burma) – ND-Burma’s 2017 report on the human rights situation has found that ongoing conflict between the military and ethnic armed organizations has resulted in continued abuses against non-combatants, predominantly by state security forces. The majority of victims are ethnic nationality civilians, who face shelling, arbitrary arrest, torture, extrajudicial killing, and death by land […]

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(UN News) – The Security Council members, in an emergency meeting tonight, condemned the killing of civilians in Gaza during a peaceful protest that had erupted in violence. Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, briefing the Council on the situation, said that what had begun early in the day as a demonstration had […]

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(UNICEF) – Nearly half a million children have dropped out of school since the 2015 escalation of conflict in Yemen, bringing the total number of out-of-school children to 2 million, according to a UNICEF assessment released today. Meanwhile, almost three quarters of public school teachers have not been paid their salaries in over a year, putting […]

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(UNHCR) – It was just an ordinary day for Liuba and her son Misha in Mariinka, a town devastated by the conflict in eastern Ukraine. They were used to the rattle of machine guns as they prepared breakfast. So when they fell silent, 10-year-old Misha ran to his grandmother’s house nearby. Then a shell exploded without […]

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(Al Jazeera) – It’s a few minutes past 9am and Sunana Ibrahim Wariga’s daily struggle is just beginning. Wariga, a stocky 56-year old, is one of thousands who call Durumi camp in the capital home. He escaped the deadly Boko Haram rebellion in his home state of Borno more than three years ago. “I used to be a farmer […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Dozens of people, mostly women and children, have been killed and 80 others injured after Syrian government forces bombed an underground shelter in Eastern Ghouta, according to rescuers and activists on the ground. Sources on the ground and rescuers from the Syrian Civil Defence, a volunteer rescue group also known as the White Helmets, […]

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