(HRW) – We write in advance of the Committee on the Rights of the Child pre-sessional review of Syria to highlight grave concerns including summary executions of children, unlawful attacks that killed or maimed children, the torture and ill-treatment of children in detention, the military use of schools, and attacks on education and hospitals. The examples […]

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(Project Syndicate) – My three-year-old niece believes strongly in the power of “the good guys.” Whenever I visit, she drags me to the bookshelf in her room and pulls out book after book, each with the same conclusion: in battles big or small, the good guys always win. I don’t have the heart to tell her that, […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Dozens of civilians, including children, have been killed in an Afghan air attack on a gathering at a religious school in the northern province of Kunduz, eyewitnesses and an official said. A religious school in the Dasht-e-Archi district of the Kunduz province was targeted by air raids late on Monday, resulting in the death […]

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(NRC) – The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) calls for an investigation of a deadly attack against a place for informal education in Kunduz Province, which took place on Monday. “Education must be protected through periods of conflict. Young boys and girls should not be terrified to go to school, and parents should feel assured that […]

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(IRIN) – Families sleep rough or in half-destroyed houses littered with hidden explosives, after fleeing a months-long push by Turkish-backed Syrian rebels to claim the city of Afrin and the surrounding area – part of a wider Kurdish enclave of the same name. Shortly after those military operations succeeded, in late March, photojournalist Afshin Ismaeli spent a […]

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(Reuters) – An air strike by the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen killed 12 civilians on Monday in the coastal city of Hodeidah, medics and a witness said, and the Houthi rebels later targeted Saudi Arabia’s southern border area with a missile. Medics and a civilian who saw the wreckage said the air strike had destroyed a […]

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(OCHA) – The UN Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr. Yassine Gaba, currently Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim, strongly condemns the deadly combined attack which took place near Belle Village, in the outskirts of Borno State’s capital, Maiduguri, on Sunday 1 April. According to local sources, at least 34 civilians lost their lives in this attack […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Another Palestinian man has died of gunshot wounds sustained during protests in the Gaza Strip, a spokesman for the Health Ministry said Monday. Faris al-Regeb, 29, was shot in the abdomen during mass protests along the Gaza border on Friday, bringing the death toll to 18. Hospitals in Gaza are struggling to cope with the influx […]

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(HRW) –  Myanmar authorities should exonerate and release a former child soldier who spoke to journalists about his army experiences, Human Rights Watch said today. On March 28, 2018, the Dagon Seikkan Township Court sentenced Aung Ko Htwe to two years in prison with hard labor under penal code section 505(b), whose overbroad provisions have frequently been […]

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