(WP) – The fighting in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region is entering its fifth year. More than 10,000 people have been killed in this persistent conflict; 2,800 were civilians. Nearly two million people have been internally displaced or put at risk if they remain in their homes. Today, the Donbas war is among the worst humanitarian crises […]

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(ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is gravely concerned that South Sudan’s civil war continues to fuel horrific levels of violence in which civilians are injured and killed and property vital to their safety and survival is destroyed. “My wife was shot,” said Ruey. “My children were shot…I was also shot. All […]

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(Al Jazeera) – The Nigerian military says it has rescued 149 women and children abducted by the armed group Boko Haram in the country’s northeast. Onyema Nwachuku, army spokesman, said on Sunday the freed captives included 54 women and 95 children, according to the NAN news agency. “The rescued hostages are currently receiving medical attention,” he said in a statement, adding that they […]

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(UNAMID) – On 3 April 2018, senior Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) officers attended a UNAMID-supported training on protection of children in armed conflict and promoting local ownership of child protection. The one-day workshop, held in Nyala, South Darfur, was organized by the Mission’s Child Protection Unit (CPU) and is part of ongoing efforts to sensitize parties […]

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(ISS) – On 19 February 2018, militants arrived in trucks at the Government Girls Science and Technology College in Dapchi, Nigeria, wielding guns and abducting scores of girls. After a delay in releasing the precise number of schoolgirls taken, 110 were declared missing. The return of 105 of the girls after one month in captivity brings […]

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(Forbes) – In early April 2018, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres reported that the Yemen crisis had become the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Approximately three quarters (equivalent to over 22 million) of Yemen’s population were in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection. Of this 22 million, 11.3 million are children. Nearly every child in Yemen is affected by […]

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(HRW) – International efforts to deter chemical attacks in Syria in the year since the devastating sarin attack on Khan Sheikhoun on April 4, 2017, have been ineffective, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch has collated and analyzed evidence of chemical weapons attacks in Syria between August 21, 2013, the day of the deadliest chemical weapon […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Syrian government forces carried out 214 chemical attacks since 2011, according to a Syrian watchdog. In a statement on Wednesday, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said these attacks have claimed the lives of at least 1,421 people. A total of 187 children and 244 women were among the victims, the NGO said. Link

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(SAMS) – On March 12, 2018, the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), along with 11 other humanitarian organizations working inside Syria, shared the coordinates of 60 health facilities in Syria with UN OCHA. As part of the process, OCHA then shared the coordinates with the parties involved in the Syrian conflict. After more than seven years […]

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