(BBC) –  The helicopters arrived shortly after midday and sent a rocket hurtling into an area at the back of the crowd where children were sitting. As people began to flee, witnesses said, heavy machine gun fire followed them. It was the latest deadly example of how a ferocious new air campaign against the Taliban […]

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(Amnesty International) – The Mozambican authorities must take immediate steps to end a killing spree in the Cabo Delgado Province, which has seen at least 37 people brutally killed by a group known as ‘Al-Shabab’ in the past two weeks, Amnesty International said today. The organization said that an increasing number of people are fleeing […]

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(UN News) – The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) new Crop Prospects and Food Situation reveals that since its last report in March, the number of countries requiring external food assistance has jumped by two, namely Cabo Verde and Senegal, to 39. According to the report, civil war and insecurity in Africa and the Middle East have displaced […]

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(Norwegian Refugee Council) – “Shortly before 9:30 pm on 5 June, Saudi-led Coalition aircraft bombed the Hadda district in Sana’a, injuring seven civilians, including four children. The attack damaged several houses, including an NRC guesthouse with the organisation’s staff. We are calling on the Saudi-led Coalition to investigate and provide a full and public account […]

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(Norwegian Refugee Council) – More civilians are without food in more places than ever before in the history of South Sudan. An upsurge in fighting, lack of access and attacks on aid workers batters already food insecure communities. “The UN’s deadly prediction of record numbers of hungry people in South Sudan is already unfolding from […]

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(House of Representatives, Republic of The Philippines) – The House of Representatives, voting 232-7, has approved on third and final reading House Bill 7442, which seeks to provide ample protection to children caught in the midst of armed conflict. Principally authored by Rep. Feliciano Belmonte, Jr., the proposed “Special Protection of Children in Situations of […]

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(Amnesty International) – From amid the rubble of Raqqa, civilians are asking why US-led Coalition forces destroyed the city, killing hundreds of civilians in the process of “liberating” them from the armed group calling itself “Islamic State” (IS), Amnesty International said in a new report ahead of the offensive’s anniversary. Amnesty International researchers visited 42 […]

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(UN News) – Speaking in Geneva, Mark Lowcock, who is also UN Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said that five years of civil war had left 7.1 million people, or more than half the country’s population, in need of humanitarian aid. Repeated negotiations have broken down to resolve fighting between troops loyal to President […]

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(The Washington Post) – Yemeni forces backed by the United Arab Emirates have rapidly advanced to less than 10 miles from the rebel-held seaport of Hodeida, threatening to attack despite U.S. and United Nations warnings against undermining hoped-for peace talks and exacerbating Yemen’s humanitarian ­crisis. “It’s a very fluid situation,” a senior U.S. official said after […]

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