(HRW) – On June 21, dozens of armed Islamist rebels stormed and occupied a school on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, the latest in a slew of attacks that highlight the continued risks children face seeking an education in the volatile region. The rebels, reported by the police to be members of the Bangsamoro […]

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(United Nations Meetings Coverage and Press Releases) – The Security Council today extended its arms embargo, asset freeze and travel ban on the Democratic Republic of the Congo until 1 July 2018, expanding those sanctions to cover individuals and entities engaging in or providing support for acts that included planning, directing, sponsoring or participating in attacks against the […]

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(New York Times) – When the boys of Baga think back to home on the shores of Lake Chad in northeastern Nigeria, they remember a life that was not hard on any human. At dusk, fishermen cast their nets in the lake’s blue-green waters, careful to avoid the spots where townspeople swam and washed. The next […]

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(The Strategist) – The blood stains on the classroom walls couldn’t be washed away following the Taliban attack on the middle school in Postak Bazaar village in Afghanistan. ‘We had to chip it away from the wall with an axe,’ a school official told Human Rights Watch. But the blood wasn’t that of the school’s students. […]

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(NewVision) – In a statement released Tuesday by the agency, over 1.3 million people have been displaced by an outbreak in violence in DR Congo’s Kasaï region since August 2016. Some 8,000 people were displaced per day in May alone. Almost half of those displaced are children, thousands of whom have been victim to indiscriminate violence, […]

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(Aljazeera) – The hostilities officially ended in 2003, but the region remains unstable owing to external influences, ingrained ethnic divisions and the fight over the country’s mineral wealth. Eastern DRC continues to be plagued by armed groups. Since 1998, more than five million people are estimated to have died as a result of the conflict, disease […]

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(NRC) – The Democratic Republic of the Congo is experiencing one of the largest displacement crisis in the world today. Despite this, we’re seeing a woefully inadequate number of aid agencies on the ground responding, and a pitiful amount of money trickling in to deliver aid,” said the Norwegian Refugee Council’s (NRC) Country Director in […]

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(Center for Civilians in Conflict) –  The US-led anti-ISIS coalition (the coalition) began a military offensive with Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) inside Syria to end ISIS control of Raqqa and surrounding areas. The SDF are trained and armed primarily by the US and supported in the fight against ISIS by about 1,000 US troops (Special Forces and Marines) […]

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