(Al Jazeera) – The United Nations decried on Tuesday the impact that the war in Yemen has had on children where about 2,200 minors have been killed in instances where they were being forced to fight or died of preventable diseases.  “Since 2015, more than half of health facilities have stopped working, and 1,500 schools have been damaged due to […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – First the bad news: the United Nations secretary-general’s annual report on children and armed conflict found a 35 percent increase in violence against children compared to the year before. But there’s good news too: incidents of armed groups – be they government forces or rebel groups – using schools for military purposes are down 14 percent […]

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(NRC) – Afghan schools are increasingly at risk on military, ideological, and political fault-lines, with attacks increasing in eastern Afghanistan. “A brutal, senseless attack on a school in eastern Afghanistan is the latest in a spate of violence against educational facilities in Nangarhar province. Afghan children must be better protected,” said Will Carter, Head of […]

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(NRC) – Afghan schools are increasingly at risk on military, ideological, and political fault-lines, with attacks increasing in eastern Afghanistan. “A brutal, senseless attack on a school in eastern Afghanistan is the latest in a spate of violence against educational facilities in Nangarhar province. Afghan children must be better protected,” said Will Carter, Head of […]

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(Amnesty International) – Civilians in Syria’s southern Daraa province are facing death and destruction as the government ramps up a merciless campaign of indiscriminate artillery shelling and air strikes that include repeated attacks on hospitals, Amnesty International said today. The organization has urged the Jordanian government to open its borders to people seeking to flee […]

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(Al Jazeera) – On Friday afternoon, as Israeli soldiers from the other side of the fence were firing tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition, Yaser Abu al-Naja and a few friends took cover behind a waste container away from the front lines of a protest in the Gaza Strip. As Yaser briefly peeked out […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – I held my breath yesterday, waiting for the US State Department to issue its latest annual list of governments implicated in the use of child soldiers. Last year’s list was a disaster: then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson overruled his own staff and left blatant violators – Afghanistan, Burma, and Iraq – off the list. […]

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(Amnesty International) – Early in the morning on 25 August 2017, a Rohingya armed group known as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) launched coordinated attacks on security force posts in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar. In the days, weeks, and months that followed, the Myanmar security forces, led by the Myanmar Army, unleashed a vicious campaign […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – Today, like many days, my cell phone was flooded with photos of children recently killed in Yemen by Saudi Arabia-led coalition airstrikes. But also today, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres released his report only gently censuring the coalition for the Yemeni children it had killed and maimed in 2017. Every year, the secretary-general […]

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