Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory


In his 2024 annual report on CAAC, the SG newly listed in the annexes Israeli armed and security forces for killing and maiming children and for attacks on schools and hospitals, as well as Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and affiliated factions and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades for killing and maiming children and for abduction. This is the first time any parties in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory have been listed in the annexes of the annual CAAC report for grave violations. In 2023, the UN verified a staggering 8,009 grave violations against children in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In addition, the UN indicated that reports of an additional 23,000 grave violations were pending verification. The report describes the “dramatic increase and unprecedented scale and intensity of grave violations.” In July, the Council is expected to receive its next report on accelerating aid to Gaza, pursuant to SCR 2720 (2023). The Security Council should:

  • Unequivocally condemn all violations and abuses committed against civilians, in particular the unprecedented number of grave violations against children as verified by the UN in 2023 and ongoing; call on all parties to immediately end such abuses and violations, and call for accountability for all perpetrators, including at the domestic level and before the International Criminal Court;
  • Demand that all parties fully comply with their obligations under IHL and IHRL; and call on all parties to immediately and fully implement all relevant Security Council Resolutions, in particular, 2712 (2023), 2720 (2023), 2728 (2024), and 2735 (2024), as well as resolutions on the protection of civilians and humanitarian personnel and on CAAC;
  • Call for an immediate end to all attacks on objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, as well as schools, health facilities, and protected personnel, and ensure that such actions are investigated and the perpetrators are duly prosecuted;
  • Call for the immediate, safe, and unimpeded access of humanitarian actors for the delivery of humanitarian aid, including medical services, to children and other civilians in need in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem;
  • Urge the Israeli armed and security forces, Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and affiliated factions, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades to immediately cease all grave violations against children and to urgently engage with the UN to develop, sign, and implement time-bound, concrete action plans to end and prevent grave violations against children.


This information is based on Watchlist’s Children and Armed Conflict Monthly Update – July 2024.

