The Labour Law was approved by the People’s Assembly on March 29, 2010 and promulgated by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad on April 12, 2010. This law specifies the minimum working age as 15 years and contains protections and restrictions on the employment and conditions of work of juveniles. It covers employer obligations towards juveniles, safeguards on the employment of juveniles, and health and safety requirements for juveniles.
However, the economic situation in Syria, marked by significant inflation and the rapid devaluation of the Syrian Pound, has forced many families to rely on their children for income. Child labour in Syria was a problem prior to the start of the civil war, but the conflict greatly exacerbated the situation. The situation in Syria is characterised by hidden forms of exploitation and child labour. In Syria, child labour includes the agricultural sector, but children also work in factories or as cleaners, garbage collectors, construction workers, mechanics, or carpenters.
Displacement and the deteriorating security situation have further increased children’s vulnerability to exploitation and has drawn children into hazardous work environments.