Three parties are listed in the SG’s 2022 annual report on CAAC for recruiting and using children in Mali. Of these, Ansar Eddine, as part of Jama‘a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimina and Mouvement national de libération de l’Azawad, part of the Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad are also listed for rape and other forms of sexual violence. In June, MINUSMA’s mandate is up for renewal, pursuant to SCR 2640 (2022). According to the SG’s March report on MINUSMA (S/2023/236), the UN verified 264 grave violations against children between January and March 2023, an increase from the previous reporting period. Cases of both recruitment and use and attacks on schools and hospitals increased notably from the previous reporting period. In November, the SG published his fourth report on the situation of CAAC in Mali (S/2022/856), and the SCWG-CAAC continues to negotiate its conclusions. See Watchlist’s February 2023 update for targeted recommendations to the SCWG-CAAC. The Security Council should:
- Renew MINUSMA’s child protection mandate, taking child protection fully into account as a cross-cutting issue, and in subsequent budget negotiations, ensure allocation of sufficient resources to enable the mission to fully deliver on this mandate;
- Call upon all signatory parties of the 2015 Peace Agreement to ensure that children’s rights and protection needs are prioritized in all negotiations on disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration programs, including the unconditional release of children in their ranks; Urge the Platform factions and the Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad to swiftly and fully implement their respective action plans;
- Urge the Malian authorities to strengthen the legal child protection framework, including by finalizing the Child Protection Code revision, reinforcing national systems to prevent child recruitment and use, and validating the draft law annulling the 30-day legal deadline for birth registration; as well as to strengthen accountability for grave violations against children;
- Call for continued and full implementation of the 2013 handover protocol, including for children allegedly associated with armed groups designated as terrorist groups by the UN, treating children primarily as victims and prioritizing their reintegration, as guided by the Paris Principles;
- Demand that all parties allow and facilitate unimpeded, rapid, and safe access to ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected populations, especially children, and respect and protect humanitarian personnel, assets, and infrastructure;
- Call on all parties to immediately cease attacks on schools and education personnel and urge the Malian authorities to continue to uphold commitments under the Safe Schools Declaration, including by enacting the draft bill on protecting education from attack.
This information is based on Watchlist’s Children and Armed Conflict Monthly Update – June 2023.
In January 2025, the SG published his fifth report on the situation of CAAC in Mali (S/2024/883), covering the period from April 2022 to March 2024. During this period, the UN verified 2,091 grave violations against 1,782 children (1,433 boys, 334 girls, 15 of unknown sex). The recruitment and use of children remained the most prominent grave violation, followed by killing and maiming and abduction, with these violations increasing by 14 percent, 23 percent, and 27 percent, respectively, with most child casualties (222) resulting from explosive devices. Verified incidents of attacks on schools and hospitals and denial of humanitarian access decreased by 70 percent and 53 percent, respectively. Monitoring and reporting challenges persisted due to insecurity, limited child protection capacity, and access restrictions following the withdrawal of MINUSMA. The report highlighted the ongoing lack of accountability, particularly for rape and other forms of sexual violence. The Working Group should:
- Strongly condemn all grave violations and abuses that continue to be committed against children in Mali, and demand that all parties uphold their obligations under IHL and IHRL;
- Call upon the Coordination des Mouvements de l’Azawad (CMA) and Platform to implement their action plans, release all children from their ranks, and prevent all further recruitment and use;
- Call for continued and full implementation of the 2013 handover protocol, including for children allegedly associated with armed groups designated as terrorist groups by the UN, treating children primarily as victims and prioritizing their reintegration, as guided by the Paris Principles;
- Urge transitional Government to strengthen the legal child protection framework, including by finalizing the revision and adoption of the draft of national law on child protection, reinforcing national systems to prevent child recruitment and use;
- Call for allocation of sufficient resources to the UN Country Team to strengthen child protection capacities in light of the withdrawal of MINUSMA, including for monitoring and engagement with parties to end and prevent grave violations, and to address threats posed by explosive ordnance;
- Call on all parties to immediately cease attacks on schools and education personnel and urge the transitional Malian authorities to continue to uphold commitments under the Safe Schools Declaration, including by enacting the draft bill on protecting education from attack;
- Express concern at the lack of progress on combatting impunity, and urge the Malian authorities to strengthen accountability for grave violations against children, including rape and other forms of sexual violence, by conducting timely and impartial investigations and, where appropriate, prosecutions, and ensuring child survivors of sexual violence have access to comprehensive, gender-sensitive, and age-appropriate response systems and services.
This information is based on Watchlist’s Children and Armed Conflict Monthly Update – March 2025.
UN Action
Year listed: 2013
Action Plans signed: CMA (Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad), including the MNLA (Mouvement national de libération de l’Azawad), action plan to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children and sexual violence against children (March 2017)
Sanctions Committee: Mali Sanctions Committee (Current Chair: Dominican Republic)
Secretary-General’s reports on CAAC in Mali: 2022; 2020; 2018; 2014
Security Council Working Group conclusions on Mali: 2020; 2018; 2014
Perpetrators listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s annual reports on children and armed conflict
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | |
Ansar Eddine* | a,c | a,c | a,c | a,c | a,c | ||||||||||
Mouvement national de libération de l’Azawad~* | a,c | a,c | a,c | a,c | a,c | ||||||||||
Mouvement pour l’unification et le jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest * | a,c | a,c | a,c | a,c | a,c |
a: Parties that recruit and use children
b: Parties that kill and maim children
c: Parties that commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against children
d: Parties that engage in attacks on schools and/or hospitals
e: Parties that engage in abduction of children
f: Parties that deny humanitarian access to children
~ This party has concluded an action plan with the United Nations in line with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004) and 1612 (2005).
* This party has been in the annexes for at least five years and is therefore considered a persistent perpetrator.